Urbansync’s Weblog

Reality Tagging / Found Sounds / Artscience

Archive for January 2009

In the air – Visualization of urban data about Madrid

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I am reading regularly the Infosthetics blog. Excellent source for the latest and best projects, tools, etc for interactive visualization of large-scale data. The posting about the In the Air project indicates that there will be updates about the coding in Processing which may be of interest for Urban Sync.

Written by urbansync

January 16, 2009 at 1:11 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Looking forward to Lift09!

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Thanks to Steffen for the hint! I will join Lift09 in February. An excellent melting pot to spread my ideas about reality tagging /blogging and the future of emotions. Great time for brainstorming, networking with inspiring people. Maybe also some serious SNOW?

Small excerpt of the webpage:

Lift09 (Geneva, 25-27 Feb. 09) will look back to look ahead, exploring topics like change, solidarity, love, or design, during three days of intense networking and inspiration themed around a simple question: “Where did the future go?

We were told the future would be about mechanization, computerization, 1984-like nightmares or robots. What did and did not happen? What can we learn from the predictions that never materialized to better look at the future?

Lift gathers international entrepreneurs, artists, managers, researchers, investors, CEOs, designers or ethnologist, people who come to be inspired and meet those who make a difference.

Written by urbansync

January 14, 2009 at 11:45 am

Posted in Uncategorized